Using Olive Oil instead of Butter

Extra Virgin Olive Oil offers so much more nutrient value with no downside, unlike the alternatives and can be readily substituted in most main course dishes where margarine or butter is used for frying or sauteing.

One tbsp (15ml) of olive oil has 120 calories and 14 g of total fat, including 12g of unsaturated fat.

Olive Oil contains no trans fats or cholesterol.

Salted butter has 102 calories per tbsp. and 11.5 g of total fat, of which 7g are saturated. Butter also contains 31mg of cholesterol. Excess monounsaturated fats, a low saturated-fat content and an absence of cholesterol make olive oil a better alternative than butter fot the heart.


1 ml butter = 0.96 gr 
1 ml Olive Oil =0.92 gr


1 teaspoon ¾ teaspoon 5 ml 3ml
2 teaspoons 1 ½ teaspoons 10ml 7.5ml
1 tablespoons 2 ½ teaspoons 15ml 12.5ml
2 tablespoons 1 ½ tablespoons 30ml 22.5ml
¼ cup 3 tablespoons 60ml 45ml
1/3 cup ¼ cup 80ml 60ml
½ cup ¼ cup+ 1 tablespoon 125ml 90ml
2/3 cup ½ cup 160ml 125ml
¾ cup ½ cup + 1 tablespoon 185ml 140ml
1 cup ¾ cup 250ml 175ml
2 cups 1 ½ cups 500ml 375ml

Combined data provided by Emm. Karpadakis/2015

Markou Olive oilUsing Olive Oil instead of Butter